A rare and very unusual Gum Tree due to its foliage having a distinct strawberry fragrance. This makes it a highly sought after plant for Essential Oil production. Also a nice specimen tree in its own right due to its long broad leaves and heavy flowering.
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A fast growing, tall gum tree with mottled grey bark that when shed reveals a brilliant orange to copper color trunk. The leaf is broad, glossy green above and lighter below. Bears nectar & pollen producing flowers in Summer. Also a great Koala food tree.
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A large and fast growing eucalypt with fibrous bark and broad, glossy foliage. Grows well on most soils incl. heavy clay - but not permanent wet sites. A local Koala food tree.
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A beautiful specimen tree with distinctive dark grey to black bark and grey-blue foliage. Bright pink flowers appear in Autumn and Winter and hang in clusters. Ornamental tree, adaptable to a wide range of soils and conditions except poorly drained.
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A beautiful hybrid cross between Eucalyptus torquata and woodwardii. Best grown in low rainfall regions. A very popular medium sized, specimen and street tree which bears masses of brilliant pink flowers. Grows under 8m high.
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A beautiful and very hardy rainforest tree that makes a great shade tree and windbreak due to its dense foliage and low branching habit. It has dark green, glossy, foliage and bears masses of white flowers in November.
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A large, fast growing and shady rainforest tree with large, bright green leaves and honey scented white flowers. Grows naturally from Far North QLD to Kempsey but would grow well all down the East Coast.
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A beautifully dense, shady tree which bears masses of yellow flowers from June to September, followed by starfish like seed pods. Equally at home in the open or Rainforest. A great specimen tree also.
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A beautiful ,hardy, shade tree with large glossy , dark green leaves which are golden bronze on the underside.Bears masses of White flowers, in branched spikes, during Spring.This is a very showy specimen tree that grows successfully from Coffs Harbour to Cairns.Grows to 10 metres high in full sun p
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