Windbreak trees

Trees growing 8 metres or more in height with dense foliage and a low branching habit making them ideal for wind protection. 73 products

Callitris columellaris

Coastal Cypress (Callitris columellaris) $3.75

A beautiful and fragrant, column shaped Native Cypress Pine. Withstands very poor and dry situations, but grows faster in better soils. Makes a great Christmas Tree. Grows to 10m in height.
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Castanospermum australe

Black Bean (Castanospermum australe) $3.75

Beautifully shady, Native legume tree which bears large yellow and red pea-type flowers. Also a very useful shade and riverbank stabilisation tree.
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Casuarina cunninghamiana

River She Oak (Casuarina cunninghamiana) $3.75

A tall, fast growing and widely planted She-Oak for riverbank stabilisation and windbreaks. Grows 2 - 3m per year in its first few years of growth.Frost resistant.
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Casuarina equisetifolia ssp incana

Beach She Oak (Casuarina equisetifolia ssp incana) $3.75

A very hardy and wide spreading tree with a graceful weeping habit used as windbreaks and for sand/soil erosion control. Very fast growing and Nitrogen-fixing.
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Casuarina glauca

Swamp She Oak (Casuarina glauca) $3.75

A very hardy, medium sized She-Oak which is adaptable to many different soil types including heavy clay soils. Makes a terrific windbreak. Frost resistant.
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Casuarina littoralis

Black She Oak (Casuarina littoralis) $3.75

A medium sized she-oak which is a bit more dense than the other she-oaks. Makes a good windbreak in good to very dry conditions. Seed cones attract Black Cockatoos.Frost resistant.
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Casuarina torulosa

Rose She Oak (Casuarina torulosa) $3.75

One of the most attractive She-Oaks, having a dense, dark green crown (red tinged for part of the year) of weeping branches / foliage. Seed cones are the staple diet of the Black Cockatoo.Frost resistant.
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Corymbia eximia nana

Dwarf Yellow Bloodwood (Corymbia eximia nana) $3.75

A dwarf version of the Yellow Bloodwood - Corymbia eximia. Has broad leafed foliage with a strong green colour. The leaf may turn a paler yellow/green in the colder months. This tree is eye-catching in springtime when the tree is covered in masses of creamy yellow flowers. A great specimen and street tree. Grows under 8m high
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Corymbia intermedia

Pink Bloodwood (Corymbia intermedia) $3.75

A very hardy and shady tree with masses of caramel fragranced cream coloured flowers and rough bark.
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Corymbia tesselaris

Moreton Bay Ash (Corymbia tesselaris) $3.75

A very fast growing evergreen tree which grows 10 to 20m tall. The lower trunk is rough and dark while the upper trunk has a smooth white or light grey surface. Grows naturally on flat, deep soils of medium to high fertility and can tolerate clays well. Flowers Winter to Early Summer.
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