Powerline friendly plants

Plants that have a maximum ultimate height that wont interfere with powerlines and are therefore suitable for roadside plantings as well. 361 products

Syzygium paniculata dwarf

Dwarf Magenta Cherry (Syzygium paniculata dwarf) $3.75

A compact and very dense shrub that makes a terrific screen plant. It has glossy, mid-green foliage, white, fluffy flowers and edible, magenta coloured berries. Can be formally hedged, if desired.Grows from 2m to 3m high.
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Syzygium wilsonii ssp wilsonii

Powder Puff Lily Pilly (Syzygium wilsonii ssp wilsonii) $3.75

Unusual shrub with a rounded and weeping habit. New foliage is red and the flowers are large and a beautiful deep wine red. This shrub prefers a shady spot with plenty of compost. Grows to about 2 metres high.
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Telopea speciosissima

NSW Waratah (Telopea speciosissima) $5.50

An upright, open shrub with broad, serrated leaves. Bears large, red flowers up to 15cm in diameter in Spring and is the N.S.W floral emblem. Our plants are Seed Grown. Seed Grown waratahs generally flower in their second or third year. Soil should be very well drained.
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Templetonia retusa

Cockys Tongues (Templetonia retusa) $3.75

A beautiful and unusual shrub which grows between 1 and 2 metres high. The masses of flowers are quite large, from 25 to 40 mm long and occur over a long period from Winter to Spring. They are very attractive to honey-eating birds.
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Tetratheca ciliata pink

Pink Black Eyed Susan (Tetratheca ciliata pink) $3.75

Showy, spreading plant growing to half a metre high. Bears small dark green, oval shaped leaves and masses of pink flowers mainly in Winter. Frost resistant.
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Tetratheca thymifolia

Black Eyed Susan (Tetratheca thymifolia) $3.75

Small, rounded shrub with masses of spectacular, purple flowers in spring. Being a hardy coastal heath plant of relatively poor soils it makes a good rockery specimen for some added brilliant colour.Grows less than 1m high.Frost resistant.
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Thryptomene saxicola

Pink Laceflower (Thryptomene saxicola) $3.75

A very attractive shrub with a weeping habit and masses of pink flowers for most of the year. Flowers are used extensively for cut flower arrangements.Less than 1m high.
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Thryptomene saxicola FCPayne

Pink Laceflower FCPayne (Thryptomene saxicola FCPayne) $3.75

Beautiful small shrub to 1m high with fine dark green foliage and masses of deep pink flowers from Winter to Spring. Used extensively for floral work. Frost tolerant.
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Viola hederaceae

Native Violet (Viola hederaceae) $3.75

A ground hugging perennial for a moist position with round, green leaves and purple & white violets most of the year.
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Westringia fruticosa

White Coastal Rosemary (Westringia fruticosa) $3.75

A small,dense and very hardy, rounded shrub with foliage down to ground level and masses of white flowers for most of the year.Can also be formally hedged to any requirement.Grows to 1m high.Frost resistant.
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