A very attractive, dense shrub to 1.5 m with oval, green leaves and large, white bottlebrush flowers particularly in Spring and Autumn. Frost resistant.
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Fast growing, prolific flowering, evergreen shrub up to 3m high. Masses of large, bright-red, bird-attracting flowers occur during Spring and most of the year in more Temperate regions. Has a compact, rounded habit and new growth has a beautiful pink flush.Frost resistant.
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A beautiful and unusual Bottlebrush with a multi-stemmed, sprawling habit. Its foliage and flowers are very similar to the Crimson Bottlebrush, being a rich crimson-pink colour. Grows under 1m high but spreads up to 2.5m wide.
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A very hardy shrub reaching up to 5 metres high with weeping branches of narrow green leaves with a purplish new growth.Beautiful lemon coloured yellow flowers appear in Spring. Frost resistant.
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A delightful long flowering, dwarf form of Callistemon viminalis with soft green foliage and the same elegant weeping habit. Bears masses of large red bottlebrush flowers most of the year. Grows to 1.5m high and is moderately frost tolerant.
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The brilliantly coloured, bright red foliage and dense, compact habit make this a terrific hedge plant. Is very hardy of most soil types, drought resistant and frost tolerant. Grows to under 2 metres high.
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A beautiful medium sized shrub which is similar to, but slightly smaller in height than Callistemon Dawson River. Foliage is dense and elegant with weeping branches. Bears masses of red bottlebrush flowers in Spring. Grows to around 3 metres high.
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Large, hardy shrub growing to 3 m tall with dense,dark green foliage. Bears masses of huge red brushes in Spring and is one of the first bottlebrushes to flower. Frost tolerant and heavy soil tolerant.
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Distinctive squat growing shrub with attractive broad leaves with bronze new growth - clusters of red brushes with gold anthers appear in Spring.Grows to 1.5m high.
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