Heavy soil plants

Plants that are very tolerant of heavy soils and waterlogged conditions, but not permanent swamps. 53 products

Melaleuca armillaris Mauve

Mauve Bracelet Honey Myrtle (Melaleuca armillaris Mauve) $3.75

Vigorous fast growing and graceful shrub which grows to 5m high. Has dark green fine foliage and masses of mauve flowers fading to white in Spring and Autumn. Frost resistant.
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Melaleuca bracteata

White Cloud Tree (Melaleuca bracteata) $3.75

A very useful large shrub for both wet and dry soils and along the margins of dams and watercourses. Masses of finely scented, white flowers are carried in clusters on or near the ends of the branches. The flowering season extends from August to November.
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Melaleuca Claret Tops

Claret Tops (Melaleuca Claret Tops) $3.75

Bushy evergreen shrub to around 1.5m high by 1m wide, making it an excellent shape for hedging.Bears white flowers in Spring and shows red flushes in its new foliage.
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Melaleuca leucadendra

Weeping Paperbark (Melaleuca leucadendra) $3.75

A very ornamental Paperbark with long, weeping leaves to 15cm long. Bears white bottle-brush type flowers.An excellent specimen tree for areas with heavy clay soils and/or poor drainage.
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Melaleuca leucadendra Narrow Leafed

Narrow Leafed Weeping Paperbark (Melaleuca leucadendra Narrow Leafed) $3.75

A very ornamental paperbark, similar to Melaleuca leucadendra, only with long narrow leaves to 15cm long.Bears white bottle-brush type flowers. Also likes heavy soils and poorly drained sites.
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Melaleuca quinquenervia

Broad Leafed Paperbark (Melaleuca quinquenervia) $3.75

A medium sized paperbark tree. Flowers appear in bottlebrush - like spikes 2 - 5cm long, white to cream in colour, during Autumn /Winter. This tree is considered a medical species often eaten when koalas are suffering from digestive ailments. Grows up to 10m in the full-sun.
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Melaleuca Revolution Gold

Revolution Gold Tea Tree (Melaleuca Revolution Gold) $3.75

Dense, upright, evergreen shrub or small tree. Beautifully coloured golden yellow leaves with red stems. Masses of white brush flowers appear in summer. This is an excellent, contrasting landscape specimen or hedge.
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Melaleuca stypheliodes

Prickly Leafed Paperbark (Melaleuca stypheliodes) $3.75

Medium sized shrub with dense foliage almost to ground level. Bears creamy white flowers in bottlebrush - like spikes in Summer. Has thick, white paper bark. Very tolerant of heavy soils and/or poor drainage. Grows to 6m high.Frost resistant.
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Melaleuca thymifolia

Thyme Honey Myrtle (Melaleuca thymifolia) $3.75

Very small, ornamental shrub which usually lives around the edges of swamps or in heavy clay soils. Because of this it is very suitable for use in gardens with heavy soils. Bears beautiful, purple,fluffy, flowers.Grows up to 1m high.Frost resistant.
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Melaleuca thymifolia White Lace

White Lace Melaleuca (Melaleuca thymifolia White Lace) $3.75

Attractive compact shrub to half a metre high with fine grey green foliage and beautifully delicate lacy white flowers most of the year. Frost resistant.
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