A large and fast growing eucalypt with fibrous bark and broad, glossy foliage. Grows well on most soils incl. heavy clay - but not permanent wet sites. A local Koala food tree.
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A fast growing and very hardy tree suitable to most local soil types - even heavy clays which waterlog for weeks at a time. It is one of the favorite local Koala food trees.
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A large and fast growing habitat tree which grows naturally in coastal forests from North QLD to Northern NSW. Flowering occurs from May to August in the north of its range and from January to March in the south. Also a good koala tree.
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A beautiful and very hardy rainforest tree that makes a great shade tree and windbreak due to its dense foliage and low branching habit. It has dark green, glossy, foliage and bears masses of white flowers in November.
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A smaller tree with an upright growth habit and a dense canopy of dark green foliage. The spring flowers are yellow and have the typical, sweet Frangipani fragrance.Grows up to 10m high in the full-sun.
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Dense, erect shrub with strongly aromatic, bright green foliage and masses of white (sometimes pink) five-petalled flowers. The leaves contain a high level of Citronella Oil which helps to repel mosquitoes. This versatile shrub also tolerates badly drained/wet sites.Grows to 2m high.
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A very hardy tree with red-brown, fibrous-papery, persistent bark. Grows in sclerophyll forest, mainly in coastal districts and often on swampy ground or alluvial flats. A good wildlife habitat tree and butterfly attractor.
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A small tree with a dense rounded crown and creamy white paper bark. The highly antiseptic Tea Tree Oil is distilled from the leaves. Flowers occur in fluffy white masses in Spring to early Summer. Makes a good screen plant in particularly heavy clay soils where many other plants just ca
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A tall shrub with a spreading crown of narrow, dark green leaves at the end of which creamy / white bottlebrush - like flowers appear during Spring / Summer.Grows to 6m in the open.Frost resistant.
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