Vigorous fast growing and graceful shrub which grows to 5m high. Has dark green fine foliage and masses of mauve flowers fading to white in Spring and Autumn. Frost resistant.
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A very useful large shrub for both wet and dry soils and along the margins of dams and watercourses. Masses of finely scented, white flowers are carried in clusters on or near the ends of the branches. The flowering season extends from August to November.
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Bushy evergreen shrub to around 1.5m high by 1m wide, making it an excellent shape for hedging.Bears white flowers in Spring and shows red flushes in its new foliage.
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Dense, rounded shrub to 3m high and 2m across with neatly arranged elliptical leaves and unusual, light-green flower spikes during Summer.Another great screening plant.
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Dense , rounded shrub with very attractive variety of Honey Myrtle with masses of Apricot coloured flowers in Spring and early Summer. Likes good drainage. Grows to about 2 m high.
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A medium sized, dense,rounded shrub with a somewhat weeping habit. Bears pale red bottle-brush type flowers and makes an excellent screen plant due to its very low branching habit. Grows from 3 to 6m high.
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Very hardy shrub and screening plant for exposed sites that grows 3 to 6 metres high with dense, green foliage and small, purple-spotted white flowers for much of the year. Tolerates moderate frosts only.
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A beautiful little shrub with narrow, aromatic, dark green foliage which bears masses of purple flowers in Spring but flushes throughout the year as well. Grows between 1m and 2m high. Great for hedges, screens, borders and ornamental use. It is bird and native bee attracting. Frost and drought tolerant.
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A hardy, lush, fast growing tree that is very ornamental, particularly when in red flower during September to October. Birds such as the Catbird feed on its fruit and a very worthwhile specimen and shade tree. Grows up to 15m.
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