A vigorous,rounded shrub with masses of showy,rose-red flowers most of the year.Its dense foliage and slightly prickly foliage makes it a safe nesting site for birds.Can also be pruned into a formal hedge, if need be.Grows to 2.5m high.Frost resistant.
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A vigorous growing and hardy flowering shrub growing to 4 m high with beautiful, oak shaped leaves and masses of pink toothbrush flowers in Summer and Autumn. Frost hardy.
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Low growing, sprawling Grevillea with attractive fresh green divided leaves. Beautiful orange-red pendant flowers are profuse and intermingled within the foliage. Honey-eating birds are attracted to the nectar-producing flowers almost all year round.
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A vigorous Grevillea hybrid with a low, spreading habit. Bears masses of apricot coloured flowers. High frost and drought tolerance. Grows under 1m high.
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Ground-cover form with white flowers in winter and spring. Flowers have a strong cinnamon fragrance.Slightly prickly foliage makes it a great shelter from predatory cats for birds and wild-life.
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Very attractive ground cover with prickly, linear leaves and masses of pink coronet shaped flowers most of the year but peaking in Spring. Frost resistant.
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Dense shrub with deep green fine foliage which contrasts with the masses of deep-pink, spider-type flowers produced from Winter through to Spring/Summer.Frost Resistant. Grows to 3m high.
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A small sprawling shrub growing to half a metre tall with narrow linear leavesĀ and dense clusters of pink flowers in Spring. Drought and Frost Tolerant.
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Vigorous ,dense shrub with new growth having purple and bronze colourings.Reddish-purple toothbrush type flowers from Late Winter through to Summer. Grows to 3m high.Frost resistant.
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A beautiful dense shrub growing up to 4 metres high making it an excellent screen plant and bird attractor. Bears masses of apricot pink flowers in clusters.
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