Bird and bee plants

Plants that are attractive to birds and bees due to their pollen or nectar production or their consistent or heavy flowering habit. 434 products

Callistemon lilacinus

Lilac Bottlebrush (Callistemon lilacinus) $3.75

A dense, bushy, medium sized shrub with masses of pale lilac flowers. A good screen and bird attractor.
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Callistemon Little John

Little John Bottlebrush (Callistemon Little John) $3.75

A very useful and attractive, minature Bottlebrush. Widely used and proven to be very hardy inmost positions. Mid-green leaves and bright red flowers.Grows under 1m high.
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Callistemon macropunctatus

Scarlet Bottlebrush (Callistemon macropunctatus) $3.75

Rounded, medium sized shrub with large red flower spikes, with yellow-tipped anthers,to 10cm long.Flowers during Summer and Autumn.
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Callistemon Mary MacKillop

Mary MacKillop Bottlebrush (Callistemon Mary MacKillop) $3.75

Very hardy and attractive shrub with dense foliage and soft, green, weeping branches. Bears masses of Cardinal Red bottlebrushes from Spring through to Autumn, at least. Moderately Frost Tolerant. Grows to 3 metres high.
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Callistemon pachyphyllus Green

Dwarf Green Flowering Bottlebrush (Callistemon pachyphyllus Green) $3.75

Sprawling, dwarf bottlebrush with green flower brushes.A very hardy and worthwhile shrub.
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Callistemon pearsonii Rainbow Falls

Rainbow Falls Bottlebrush (Callistemon pearsonii Rainbow Falls) $3.75

Beautiful, bushy little shrub growing up to 2 m high with small leaves with bronze coloured new foliage contrasting with the red bottlebrush flowers with yellow anthers in Spring. Frost resistant.
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Callistemon Phil May

Phil May Bottlebrush (Callistemon Phil May) $3.75

Almost prostrate bottlebrush reaching a height of 60 cm and up to 1.5 m wide with attractive linear leaves with pink new growth. Bears short red bottlebrushes with yellow anthers, mainly in Spring. Frost resistant.
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Callistemon phoeniceus

Fiery Bottlebrush (Callistemon phoeniceus) $3.75

A spectacular Bottlebrush with fine, blue green foliage which contrasts with the large bright red flowers. Flowers are from 10cm to 15cm long and bear usually twice a year, in Spring and Late Summer. Frost resistant. Grows to 3m high.
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Callistemon Pink Alma

Pink Alma Bottlebrush (Callistemon Pink Alma) $3.75

A showy little shrub has a well-branched, compact habit and flowers profusely in Spring and a lesser flowering in Autumn. A great bird, bee and butterfly attracting plant and adaptable to a wide range of conditions. Grows to 1.5 metres high.
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Callistemon Pink Champagne

Pink Champagne Bottlebrush (Callistemon Pink Champagne) $4.25

Beautiful bottlebrush bearing pink flowers with golden tips in Spring. Flowers best in a full sun position, will however grow in part shade. Frost tolerant and drought hardy once established. Good screen as well as bird, bee and butterfly attracting. Grows to 3m high.
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